CIC wins the NMSDC 2020 Class IV Regional Supplier of the Year Award.

10/29/2020 News

New York, NY – October 29, 2020 – The National Minority Supplier Development Council recognized CIC as Regional Supplier of the Year, Class IV on October 29 at the NMSDC Awards Virtual Gala.

CIC was recognized as the South Region Supplier of the Year on October 29 for being an outstanding Class IV category (annual sales greater than $50 million) minority supplier. The NMSDC chose CIC over nearly 12,000 NMSDC-certified minority businesses across the country that are eligible to be nominated. This is the second year CIC has won the award for its exceptional strength in areas critical to minority supplier development and inclusion.

The National Minority Supplier Development Council Supplier of the Year Award is given annually to minority suppliers who have distinguished themselves and their businesses by successfully…

-demonstrating growth in sales and employment.

-consistently providing high-quality products, services, and solutions at competitive prices.

-significantly contributing to the growth and development of their community.

“Thanks to the PRMSDC and NMSDC for the trust, support, and promotion of minority business development. The great family of CIC is extremely honored for this recognition, which is the product of the effort, dedication, and quality of work performed by our employees, excelling and making sure our clients are 100% satisfied,” said Gustavo A. Hermida, President.

Lilly nominated the CIC team for the award –a multinational pharmaceutical company and CIC client for more than 20 years, with whom the company has a string of successful projects.
